Sometimes the liver needs a bit of love to get back on track after taking a hit of toxins: caffeine, alcohol, processed foods, sugar.
Did you know that the liver LOVES veggies from the brassica family? Broccoli, Caulifower, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Turnip, Kale and Bok Choy.
Here's a snappy little smoothie recipe that packs in the veg to get your liver feeling fab again.
1 banana
Handful baby spinach leaves
Handful diced bok choy
3 florets raw broccoli, roughly chopped
2 tablespoons white chia
1/2 cup froz blueberries
10 round slices of cucumber with skin
1/4 of an avo
Fill small NutriBullet cup up to 80% full with organic almond milk (no nasties!)
Blend for longer than you think you need to just to make sure there aren’t any leftover chunks of veg ;)
Get that bad boy into you for brekky a few mornings a week (or all of them!) and feeeeeeeell how healthy and clear you feel!