Geraldine gets our vote for MVP this week due to her consistent commitment throughout one of the toughest years we've all faced. She stayed active when others gave it up and she actually lost a considerable amount of weight during 2020.
Despite the added challenge of wrangling 2 young daughters (here she is training with a toddler on the hip! ➡️) and maintaining a family business, Geraldine stayed focussed on her health goals last year and continues to do so today. When gyms and studios closed down for much of 2020 due to the pandemic, Geraldine simply picked up running. She ran most days during lockdown and even managed to finish last year considerably lighter than when she started!
Since we opened back up she has been a regular at our weekly Tabata and Boot Camp group training sessions and hasn't missed a PT session. She's still running on her other days and with this repetition and regularity, she's managed to maintain the weight loss she achieved last year.
We've noticed Gerladine! And we love the way you just roll up the sleeves and do what needs to be done to get where you want to be with your health.