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Updated: Mar 18, 2021

For anyone living interstate and away from their Mum - we have the perfect stand-in for you, enter: Margaret Kiely.

Margaret is like a lovely warm and protective hug personified. When she walks into the studio everything just feels about 10% calmer. She is always interested in a chat about you and the family, a great listener and sharer of stories. We've only known her for a short time but we can tell she's a person who gives everything she can to those she cares about and someone who will fight fiercely for her family.

What we also love about Margaret is that she is now also fighting fiercely for herself and her long term health. After all; if we don't have our health, how can we serve those we love?

Since her very first session Margaret was committed to making gradual improvements in strength and mobility. She listens intently when instructed on a new exercise and even goes home to practice and master all the moves. She comes in before sessions to warm up and is dedicated to rolling and stretching to look after her body.

Due to her hard work and determination Margaret's functional strength and muscle endurance is improving significantly, making day to day tasks like climbing stars much easier and achievable. This is the most fundamental benefit to working with a PT: improving ones quality of life and we couldn't be happier to see such a beautiful person such as Margaret reaping the benefits of regular strength training.

Well done Margaret!

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