Zoe started at TEAM in August of 2018 with a goal to increase her overall fitness and strength. She jumped straight into 2 PT sessions/week giving all of them 100% and she hasn't missed one session since!
Not only does she show an unwavering consistency with her weekly exercise but Zoe is also conscious that what she puts in her mouth has a huge effect on her body composition and energy too. Whilst she eats relatively healthy at all times anyway she is not afraid to challenge herself for short stints by eliminating items in her diet that might be moving her further from her health goals. Most recently she took the challenge of eliminating alcohol for 30 days.
In her latest results session Zoe took an enormous 45 seconds off her 300m row and doubled her pushups! DOUBLED! She also recently completed the Mother's Day Classic in a cracking time of 21min and 30sec. That's moving!
Another reason we think Zoe is just awesome is her contribution to keeping a clean, healthy and safe environment for all living creatures. Zoe started a movement in Elwood called 'Turn one Jog into a Plog' which encourages us to contribute to our planet too by picking up rubbish as we jog or walk! Read more about Zoe's amazing work here and support her work by giving her page a 'like'.
Good on you Zoe! And thanks for being a legend of TEAM Elwood.