Alan Watkins needs no introduction at TEAM Elwood. He has been a member for 4 years and is a valued member of our community. He is a familiar face to trainers and many clients alike, he frequents our group exercise sessions and has even participated in a number of challenges in the past but never with as much success as this year.
He entered the challenge reluctantly, feeling the he wouldn't see much change and it would be a fruitless exercise. However, after quickly appreciating the support and friendly competition that surrounded him from friends and fellow challengers, Alan decided to have a real crack.
He acknowledged that his weakeness was alcohol. The regularity of it's consumption was holding him back from seeing real physical changes with his body, so he decided to give up entirely for the duration of the challenge. This was a huge, out-of-comfort-zone move for Al!
With each new day that he stood by his booze-free commitment, Alan's motivation increased and his resolve to achieve something remarkable was palpable. He was a man reborn.
The 50 days ticked by almost unnoticeably and Alan was, very deservingly, announced the winner of his category for the 50 Day Challenge. Here's what his is In-body scan results showed:
Total body weight lost: 5.1kg
Fat Mass lost: 4.8kg
Centimetres lost: 17.5
Congratulations Al!